Normally if any one ask about the salary we have tell the basic only that reflect the skill of the person.Īnother information I find in state government salary slip of West bengal that flake allowance is shown. for example CCA will not paid when you transfer to rural areasīasic is the only factor which is can not be reduced. Mostly the allowance are paid based on the requirement it will be added or deleted. CCA city compensatory allowance This is to defray the additional cost incurred by the employee by working in Metro cities HRA as all aware that depends on the House rent prevailing in that area this is fixed based on the basic (i.e capability of the employee)Ĥ. D A this is to defray the cost of increase in the inflation rate based on the price indexģ. Basic: This is the actual salary paid to an employee depends on the skill.You can measure the skill of the employee based on the basic salaryĢ. The salary component are divided as underġ. I ask this question to the most of HR professional coming for interview with my company.